16 Tech West Connector

Project Description: 

As part of a district-wide public realm plan for the 16 Tech Innovation District, we identified a new pedestrian connection through a previously underutilized back door service area to the AMP food hall and HqO co-working space at 16 Tech. This area will connect to a future 3.5 acre public park currently being designed at the heart of the district.

This new connector space is an experimental, temporary landscape that creates a more welcoming, comfortable, and colorful entry experience to the 16 Tech district. A new ground mural is patterned at a human scale to suggest areas for walking and seating. Moveable planters help define the connector space and trees provide much needed shade and comfort in an otherwise harsh environment.

We worked with a number of local on-site partners including Machyne Makerspace to fabricate the steel planters and Indy Urban Hardwood to salvage and mill mature trees being removed at an adjacent 16 Tech pedestrian bridge construction site. We will continue to work with 16 Tech to evaluate the use of the space and use the lessons learned to design the permanent landscape as the district continues to develop.

Location: Indianapolis, IN

Date: 2023

Team: 16 Tech Community Corporation, Machyne Makerspace, Indy Urban Hardwood, photo credits: Hadley Fruits